My Favourite Books for Creatives and Artists
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As I’m often asked which books I can recommend for anyone on the creative journey, here are my favourite books for the creative entrepreneurship.
Especially when I’m cleaning the house or working out, I loved listening to these (audio) books. One thing a day, even if it’s just listening to one of these books for 15 minutes a day, can make such a huge impact.
Girl Stop Apologizing - Rachel Hollis
Steal Like An Artist - Austin Kleon
Find Your Artistic Voice - Lisa Congdon
Art Money Success - Maria Brophy
This Is Marketing - Seth Godin
Get Rich, Lucky Bitch - Denise Duffield-Thomas
Everything is Figureoutable - Marie Forleo
The Imposter Cure - Dr Jessamy Hibberd
Enjoy these reads and let me know which ones you liked best!