My Worst Inktober Ever
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Can I be honest with you, my friend?
This is my worst #inktober ever.
I am slow this year… yes, I manage to sketch for Inktober every day BUT finalising those sketches is a whole different story.
The paid work load is so much this October, that whenever I’m finished with it for the day, I focus on resting my eyes, going for walks with the dogs and cooking yummy heart warming meals!
But you know what, friend?
It’s still very relaxing. It’s very relaxing to create just for fun.
It’s very relaxing to create shitty art.
So here’s some of my shitty, just for fun Inktober and Bloomtober art. Scroll down to see more.
In need of the BEST ink brushes for procreate and photoshop?
I’ve got ya covered.
I cannot wait to see your beautiful spooky inky creations!