My Favourite Books for Creatives and Artists
You’re on your creative journey and wonder which books…
How I edit my photos
Let’s be honest, nowadays there’s more to it than taking a photo, writing a fitting caption and then posting it on instagram…
My Favourite Skillshare Classes: Illustration
Hope you enjoy these classes as much as I did…
My Favourite Skillshare Classes: Lettering
If you’re curious and love learning, too, this is for you! Here are my favourite Lettering Classes on Skillshare…
The 5 Skillshare Teachers that have changed my life
Ever since I started my business, I’ve looked up to several artists and mentors…
Top 5 - My Favourite Procreate Classes on Skillshare
While you might be melting away watching Bridgerton or planning your new bedroom or kitchen thanks to the McGee’s Dream Home Makeover, I can’t get enough of one thing…